"I find it very strange how the entirety of this series is and our existence is based on the parodying of Object Shows and how they're always in a formula in which it gets tired over a long period of time, and while it definitely isn't a bad thing it is definitely something that wears over time, and is something that is something very prominent in a lot of these object shows. Not only that, it's also the stereotypes of the characters that are shown because all of the stereotypes are very very lackluster and do not have much of a character and our existence is based on that stereotype of not having much of a character and because none of us have any character it's shown that it's because we we're we're we're we're we're we'd the we we don't have we don't have the character development that it used to have and it's only meant for the laughs el oh el, but because of this we can no longer exist and the fact that we are stereotypes and just a form of entertainment that is no longer meant to be deep and very very thought-provoking like many of the Object Shows that are shown today, but hey that's just my opinion." - CheesyHFJ in Battle for Circle
I think that just describes television purposefully produced for the mainstream in general.